07-6158000 # 4002 hsin131914@stu.edu.tw

Jan Z. Tiangco

Basic Data

Name Jan Z. Tiangco
Office phone number 07-615-8000#4011
E-mail tiangcoj@stu.edu.tw
Office hours Mon 09:00-10:00、12:00-15:00


Category Full-time
Job title Associate Professor
Business Communication,

Language Development,

Organizational Development,

Applied Psychology,

Philosophy of Social Sciences


學校名稱 系所 學位 起迄年月
菲律賓德拉薩大學 哲學系 博士 1999-09-01 ~ 2003-06-30
菲律賓德拉薩大學 輔導與諮商學系 碩士 1998-00-01 ~ 2000-00-30
菲律賓德拉薩大學 心理學與教育學學士 大學 1993-00-01 ~ 1997-00-30
出版年月 論文名稱 期刊名稱
113 英語作為通用語言的崛起:從英語的殖民和新殖民歷史中精選經驗教訓及其與社會倡導的相關性 Integrating EMI, UNSDGs, and Taiwan
113 Inquiry-Based Learning and Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment in Flipped EFLWriting Instruction: Student Performance and Perceptions Sage Open
112 台灣職業大學英語學生語言學習策略與英語程度對學習習慣對學業成就的影響:路徑分析。 Strategies and Best Practices for Preparing Taiwanese Students for Success in a Multicultural and Global Workforce
111 Taiwanese Vocational University Students’ Acceptance of Using YouTube in Broadcasting their Presentations in a Business Communication Course During the Pandemic The 12th English Teaching/Business English Forum (ETBEF 2022) Understanding the “New Normal” in the Post-COVID-19 Local and International Workplace: Implications for Business English Teaching and Practice
110 Understanding a select group of vocational university students’ performance in a business English communication course: A structural equation model 11th English Teaching/Business English Forum (ETBEF2021): English for the Workplace and Global Competitiveness
110 The Asian student exchange program (ASEP) in Taiwan: Observations and prospects for further multinational collaborations Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education
109 Deconstructing the evolving roles of English language educators in the 21st century International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture
109 The Way of Psychology: Nothingness and Relatedness in the Intellectual History of Psychology Central Books
108 A Literary Discourse Analysis of JK Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech: Failure and the Entrepreneurial Mindset The 9th English Teaching/Business English Forum (ETBEF)
100 How to Choose a Topic for an Essay - Tips for Social Sciences and Humanities Students Ezine Articles
100 Thesis Writing Tips - Choosing and Working With a Thesis Committee Ezine Articles
100 Thesis Writing Tips - Choosing and Working With a Research Supervisor Ezine Articles
100 Enjoying English Writing - Tips for College Non-Native English Speakers Ezine Articles
100 Top Tips for Writing an Essay Introduction Ezine Articles
94 Intellectual schisms in Philippine psychology are schisms of the self: Meditations from an East-West comparative standpoint Asian Journal of Social Science
94 Using contemporary psychological perspectives in re-understanding Taiwanese EFL development: Observations and implications for tertiary education Asian Journal of EFL
94 Producing home movie projects inside the classroom: The Philippine experience and its implications to EFL/ESL learning in Taiwan Global Project-based Learning Forum and Exhibition
94 Pedagogy of Confusion: An inquiry into postmodern ambiguity and the paradox of the east Lectures in Philosophy of Education Series
94 Indigenizing English as an Asian language: The Philippine experience and its implications to Taiwan 5th Annual Wenshan International Conference
94 Suffering in the postmodern world: Śūnyatā and the philosophy of nothingness of the Japanese Kyoto-ha tetsugaku 2nd International Conference on Postmodernism, Globalization, and the Media on March 5-7, 2005
94 Śūnyatā, postmodern self, and the great satori Eight International Conference on Philosophy and Culture on January 27-30, 2005 in Seattle, Washington, USA
出版年月 論文名稱 會議名稱
109 A Literary Discourse Analysis of Admiral William H. McRaven’s 2014 Commencement Speech at the University of Texas The 10th English Teaching/Business English Forum
100 The Establishment of English Situational Teaching in the Community Pingtung Nanjung English Village
99 Re-visioning English studies in a time of uncertainty Essays on Identity and Values Formation in English Studies and Literature: Voices From Asia
99 Essays on Identity and Values Formation in English Studies and Literature: Voices From Asia -Conclusion Essays on Identity and Values Formation in English Studies and Literature: Voices From Asia
98 Westernization and national Identity of Taiwanese EFL students: Implications to teaching and curriculum development. 2009『英文研究與文獻中的價值構成、認定同表述與文化認知』國際研討會
98 Students’ phenomenological experiences of triumph: Narratives of perseverance and its implications to project-based learning. 2009『英文研究與文獻中的價值構成、認定同表述與文化認知』國際研討會
專書名稱 出版社 ISBN 出版日期
 Tiangco, J.A.N. & Tuan, J. (Eds.), (2010). Essays on identity and values formation in English studies and Literature: Voices from Asia. Bookman Books, Ltd.: Taiwan 978-957-445-376-4 2010-06-18
 Tiangco, J.A.N. (2008). The way of psychology: Nothingness and relatedness in the intellectual history of psychology. Central Books 978-971-691-831- 2008-06-04
計畫名稱 計畫時間
「專業外語、數位創意」全方位改善教學品質 94 ~ 94
計劃名稱 計畫時間
行銷業務與公共關係 民國 112 ~ 112
活動名稱 地點 參與人
LASTE 2019 - II International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education Turkey 田安克
International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 田安克
開始年度 結束年度 服務名稱
112 112 國際研討會召集人輔導服務案-應外系14th英語教學/商用英語論壇-Intergrating EMI UNSDGs and Taiwan’s 2030 Bilingual nation plan
111 111 國際研討會召集人輔導服務案
111 111 專任教師111學年度負責高教深耕計畫工作-協助執行 111學年度高教深耕計畫
110 110 協助執行 110學年度高教深耕計畫
110 110 國際研討會召集人輔導服務案-2022英語教學/商用英語論壇:英語習得與全球化
109 109 2021樹德應外盃高中職英日語歌唱比賽輔導服務案-(擔任評審)
109 109 菁英學生指導服務案
109 109 國際研討會召集人輔導服務案
109 109 109學年度專任教師辦理高教深耕計畫-109(1)A4 教師社群、A2業師協同教學 (商務書信(一) 6H、進階商務溝通(一) 6H)、B3 語文力提升與實踐
108 108 國際研討會召集人輔導服務案
108 108 2020英語簡報營、英語簡報比賽輔導服務案(協助執行、授課、擔任評審)
107 107 107學年度專任教師辦理高教深耕計畫-A-2精進實務教學課程,厚植學生就業競爭力-證照輔導班
107 107 2019英語簡報營、英語簡報比賽輔導服務案(協助執行、授課)
100 100 2012商用英語教學論壇
99 99 學生學習輔導案:應用外語系99學年度外語日活動
98 98 輔導訓練及組織國際會議之學生團體籌備2010 International Conference on Values Formation, Narratives on Identity, and Cross-cultural Sensitivity in English Studies and Literature
97 97 編排與校正樹德導覽冊暨英文網頁
96 96 應用外語系系刊編輯與製作案
95 95 應外系系刊編輯與製作案
93 93 輔導學生編製本系中英文版雙月刊
課程名稱 計畫名稱
財經英文 Financial English: Using Social Media for Business Communication(財經英文:利用社群媒體進行商務溝通)
新聞英文 Strengthening Reading and Communication Skills Through News English(透過新聞英文加強閱讀和溝通技巧)
證照類別 核發單位 證照名稱
不分類 International Sports Sciences Association 運動療法專家
Cambridge Assessment English 劍橋英語教師認證 CLIL
得獎年度 地點 得獎名稱
111 嶺東科技大學民生學院 2022全國高中職暨大專院校台灣私房景點介紹英/日文簡報比賽
110 國立高雄科技大學應用英語系 全國大專校院聯合國永續發展目標SDGs青年倡議 英文提案競賽
100 文藻外語學院英國語文系 100學年度文藻盃全國大專組英詩團體朗誦比賽
年度 張數 證照名稱
112 1 (CSEPT)大學校院英語能力測驗
111 1 Admin and Secretarial Skills Diploma
111 1 Admin and Secretarial Skills Diploma
111 6 Event Management Diploma(會展管理文憑)
111 1 Event Management Diploma(會展管理文憑)
110 1 (TOEIC)多益測驗
110 1 Admin and Secretarial Skills Diploma
102 1 (TOEIC)多益測驗
101 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Reading and Listening
101 2 (TOEIC)多益測驗
101 9 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
101 4 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
101 3 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Writing
101 5 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Writing
100 4 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Writing
100 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Writing
100 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Writing
100 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
100 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
100 2 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
100 3 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking
100 1 (BULATS)劍橋博思職場英語檢測-Speaking